Whats Is the Differnce


:confused: SOrry All For this Goofy question...

But what is tthe difference bettween an ambilobe and an anbanja??? In all aspects

Tahnk you all In advanced.
Panthers are named by the areas they are found in Madagascar. I have an ampiskiana so that means he came from that area.:)
Where they were gathered from in the wild. In general.. the different locales offer variation in color.

Care/habitat/etc are all the same though
What about Coloration/ Patterns???

Ambilobes are generally have "warm' body colors such as red, yellow, orange, and yellow-green. Their barring can be blue or red, or a variation. Ambanjas tend to have "cooler" body colors such as blues and blue-greens, with barring of red or blue (or a variation). Ambanjas also have a tendency to have larger rostrals.
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