What water is the best water?


New Member
I saw this started in another thread and found it very interesting. A couple of the smarties (only jking) were talking about using rain water because the chams get certain minerals and such from it. Is that really true? Should we consider additives into our water systems? I use well water and i live out in nowhere land so my tap water is actually really good, however i do suspect it is hard water. Does anyone have a good link where i could do more reading or can someone share their knowledge about this?

i am not sure but was going to acutally ask if we were suppose to use bottled water. or if we needed to get the cholorine out before spraying and putting in the dripper.
great question can't wait to read the responses.
i have well water outside for my hose (i was raised on it)
and chicago water inside. i just give my cham chicago water and i dont add
anything to it.

i believe that repti-safe takes all the hard metals out, so if you put some of
that in your water befor useing then it will kill the metals that might do damage.
i dont honestly know if they do do damage tho, but look on a bottle
one repti-safe and see if it takes out the hardmetals.
i think you should be ok then.
Well water varies from area to area. I should know, I drill them.:) In some areas, like here, it can vary from one house to the next. I am using my well water for mine. I wouldn't think if yours is hard that would be a problem. If you have something like sulfur or iron I don't really know. I would actually be more worried with using city water since it has chlorine and other chemicals in it. Rain water picks up whatever it falls through on the way to the ground so that could vary from place to place as well. If you are in an area with a lot of air pollution I wouldn't use rain water.
yeah I feel bad giving tap water to the cham as well as my dog, they get water from our own drinking water reserve (bottled spring water) most of the time. Our tap water here is horrible I find it tastes and smells like pool water (okay maybe a bit of exageration) and gives me itchy/dry skin from showering. You people on well water have it good, I can't wait to get out of the city some day lol.

But using spring water on the pets can get a bit costly so I'm probably gonna get a brita pitcher or one of those filters that hooks right onto the faucet. It must at least take some harm out of the city water, that way I won't feel so guilty about giving them water that I know can't be too great for them..
I used RO water, it would probably benefit the Chameleon more if you used something like Dasani, its RO water but with minerals added back in....just a thought.
Golfish, do you use Dasani because you work for Coke?;)

Filtered water from the fridge for me.

Justin, I have to say that I do drink Dasani but its not because I work for Coke, its because its the best tasting water I have found. I pay the same for my Dasani that everybody else does...no freebies here. If I'm dripping I use Dasani or RO, misting is RO...Like most of you know I'm a reef nut so I have a pretty good RO\DI system. I wouldn't use water off the DI for drinking but RO is fine....IMO :)

BTW, I don't drink Soda or let my kids drink, its not good for you:)

Oh yeah, if you run it through carbon your loosing the Chlorine, I'd think that's all we'd have to remove.
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I Have Been Using Reptisafe, Takes Out Chlorine And Does Alot Of Other Things Like It Has Calcium In It As Well, Look It Up To Read What It Does
The only thing with that, and i know u probably won't believe this, but advertisers don't always tell the truth. And just because it says it has or gives minerals, do the chams really benefit from it? That is what i meant. Do they really get something extra from the rain in the wild? Good stuff? And if they do, is it beneficial for us to use something like that or is it just throwing money out the window? I will do anything for my chams, but i don't want to give them something they won't benefit from.

True. If you look at any other beverage it has the ingredients listed on it. Bottled water just says minerals added.
The only thing with that, and i know u probably won't believe this, but advertisers don't always tell the truth. And just because it says it has or gives minerals, do the chams really benefit from it? That is what i meant. Do they really get something extra from the rain in the wild? Good stuff? And if they do, is it beneficial for us to use something like that or is it just throwing money out the window? I will do anything for my chams, but i don't want to give them something they won't benefit from.


Debby, I'm in no way suggesting bottle water is the answer. I'm think it would only benefit them more then just plain RO water or distilled water. I know what Coke puts in Dasani ...you don't and never will, if I told you, well! you know the story :) I know about filtered water because that's what makes soda..

My sons critters are doing just fine on what I give em..IMHO, if you filter out the chlorine reg old tap water is just fine. I'd use carbon for that over additives....JMHO.
I use RO. RO is pretty much a must for my dart frogs, so I use it for my chams since I already have it. There is much debate on this topic for chameleons, so no one can really anwser what is the BEST water to use.

Reptisafe does not remove metals.
I'm comfortable with distilled water or tap water after it has sat to dechlorinate for at least 24 hours the water here is fair. I drink it in iced tea all the time. The chlorine is noticeable, but dissipates in no time.

I use water straight from the tap for everyone and everything here (plants, fish, people, dogs, cats, chameleons, etc.).
I do not treat the tap water in any way.
I do not let it sit for 24 hours, or boil it, or filter it, or add anything to it.
We have extremely good water here.
If we lived in an area that did not have such good water, I might consider something different. However, I would not consider distilled water for anything other than my iron. The minerals are VERY important and removing them would not be beneficial.

I use water straight from the tap for everyone and everything here (plants, fish, people, dogs, cats, chameleons, etc.).
I would not consider distilled water for anything other than my iron. The minerals are VERY important and removing them would not be beneficial.


Its thought that using RO\DI water and or Distilled water can actually strip minerals from the body. I know its eats lesser grade stainless steel pipe up where reg tap water wont.
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