What type of Chameleon Do I have?


New Member
Hello Reptile World. I recently bought a sub-adult Chameleon and was told that he was a Graceful Chameleon but as I look at pictures of Chameleons she doesn't look anything like the pictures that I see. She has some sort of flap behind his neck that I have only seen open when I first got him last week. He has three stubby little horns that I'm wondering if perhaps as he gets older might they grow longer. She is most of the time a green color but can change to a dark brown or grey and when she is green she has orange spots or reddish areas along her side. She does have a crest. I'll try to get a picture I'm sure that would help a lot. Thanks.

Yeah I'll have to get some pictures. Got to go buy a digital camera first. Wow Chameleons can get expensive. LOL. I looked at a picture of a Werner the proboscis on mine is much shorter it doesn't extend past its nose and it has two just on the inside of th eyes which are small too. Will they grow possibly?
What type of Chameleon do I have

I already asked this question once but now I have pictures. I downloaded them to my profile. Hope somebody can take a look at them and tell me what he is. Right now I"m leaning towards a female Jackson? Thanks. I figure it out my photos are in the members gallery under Wally. Alphabetical so look towards the back pages I think 12 or 13.
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By the way I followed that online lead and it led me to a page that basically told me where they come from and how to identify them but there was no real information on temps and humidity. I'm looking for some info specifically for my type of Chameleon but it seems hard to find. Thanks. Peace
I work with many montane species of chameleons but not the fuelleborni specifically so I can't offer personal insights on them. There are people on this forum that do so hopefully they will pipe up and offer you some direction.

In the meantime, I would keep her in a screen cage (I think you've got her in a tank?) with a ambient temperature of about 80F. The hot spot can be a bit higher, but make sure she can get away to a cooler spot if she wants. High humidity is a must for montanes - like 70% or more all the time. This can be achieved with misting and a cool mist humidifier. Offer lots of different, gutloaded crunchy bugs like crickets, roaches and flies. She is probably wild caught so a trip to the vet for a check-up and fecal analysis is recommended. She may also be gravid - the fuelleborni give live birth. most WC montanes are very shy so keep handling to minimum if at all.

Some common names are flapjack or Poroto 3 horned chameleons. Perhaps a google search with those parameters will give you better caresheet results.

Good luck! She's real pretty.
Follow up

Yeah I have her in an aquarium right now. Perhaps I should get a net cage. But I would think it would be harder to keep the humidity up in one of those. Right now I"m relying on water bottle. I think the reason she was closing her eyes during the day time was because I had her light on all night. I started turning it off last night. I just watched her drink and I think she is eating though I haven't seen her eat today. Thanks for your input. Oh incidentally temps 80 in basking and 77 at cool end. humidity around 70. I saw on another website that these lizards are used to extreme changes in temp and they even suggested keeping them outside. HMMM? I live on the coast of Washington state its summer so the weather is decent but in the Winter I would doubt she would like that at all.
Poroto Mountains

Just wanted to let you know I"m looking up info on her original home. The Poroto Mountains. Some interesting stuff.
Just wanted to let you know I"m looking up info on her original home. The Poroto Mountains. Some interesting stuff.

Now that is the kind of initiative I like to see in new owners! Good!

It is harder to keep humidity up in a screen cage, but it the long run she will be happier. You will need to mist more, offer a dripper and/or set up a humidifier. You will have an all around better experience with owning a chameleon if you have a happy, healthy chameleon.

Your comment about having her eyes closed does concern me. Is she still doing that?

Your hot spot temp of 80 is good, but the cool end should be 70 or below to give her the option of where she wants to sit. A 3 degree difference is not giving her enough options. A tall, screen cage will. It does not need to be fancy.

WallFlower will love you if you can ger her outside! There is nothing better than real sunlight for a chameleon. The temperature differences between night and day will be good for her as well. Obviously she can't be out there in a tank because those become ovens in the sun. Put her under a tree in the shade (no direct sun!) and she can stay out for the summer and fall. Bring her in when temps start dropping say below 60F at night. She can stand lower temps than 60F at night if they climb high during the day. Obviously too, make sure her cage if predator proof, you wouldn't want that lovely lady eaten! I've never been to Washington state but I assume she would have to come in for the winter.

Post some more pics of her.


No she is no longer closing her eyes during the day. I live on the coast so when the sun does come out I'll get her in the sun. They don't call it Grays Harbor for nothing. I'll get her a screen cage also thanks for the tip. Also I was wondering if I do find some parasites in her what would I do to fix that problem if the problem needs to be fixed. I have access to Microscopes at school maybe I can try to look on my own. Thanks

Here are some more pictures. I just finished misting her aquarium. I noticed her rubbing her head up against the plant and her eyeball kept moving in and out as if drying it. Should have got film of that but anyway here she is hanging by two feet. Seems relaxed and content for now. But I was wondering if maybe the red flap meant anything?
Chameleons will rub their head sometimes when they are shedding or about too. They also do this when they get something in their eye. Could have just been some water, that can get itchy, or at least with me it does.

I think with that chameleon being a more exotic chameleon (not that chameleons are not exotic enough) you may have to referance some other similar species/similar habitats type chameleons. There is an abundance of information about Jacksons that would be a good start. Trace has given you some good advice so far just continue to search and ask questions.

I am not sure what red flap means. I would guess that they have red around the rear portion of their head decorations.
Also I was wondering if I do find some parasites in her what would I do to fix that problem if the problem needs to be fixed. I have access to Microscopes at school maybe I can try to look on my own.

Again, I like the initiative you are taking with your new pet! The fact that you are asking good questions and looking for information beyond the basics is nice to see. Basics are good too!

Sadly, you can't run down to your local drug store or pet shop to buy deworming medications for WallFlower. The proper drugs need to be prescribed by a veterinarian. If you go that route, and I think you should just for peace of mind, the fecal sample needs to be fresh for the doctor to work with. No dried-up lumps of poo! LOL! Most deworming meds for reptiles are easy to give (liquid, oral) and are fairly safe too. I think the biggest side effect I've noticed when I've dewormed my posse is that they go off food for a few days. This is not a big deal if they get plenty of water.

That said, I think doing fecals for your own personal growth or enrichment is a fabulous idea. A book you may want to consider is "Understanding Reptile Parasites" By Roger J. Klingenberg D.V.M. It tells you about the common reptile worms, lifespan, modes of delivery etc. I've seen it at my local pet shops and it's certainly available through online retailers. I seem to remember that it's not very expensive either.

I agree with Jordon's comments about WallFlowers eyes. Chameleons bulge their eyes in and out when they are shedding or cleaning them. Normal. If you notice she does that during a misting session, you can always prolong the session until she's finished. It won't hurt.

I also agree that looking at jacksonii caresheets may be helpful to you. I haven't worked extensively with either the jax or fuelli's to say for sure, but I think there would be some similarities between them.

And finally, you can certainly put her outside on warm rainy days. Humidity is usually excellent on days like that and she'll benefit from the extra water. Just make sure she can get out of the rain if she wants. Cloudy days are also good as there is residual UVB rays getting through the clouds which also helps keep her healthy. She may have to come indoors on the rainy nights depending on how low the temperatures drop.

Red flaps? No idea! I assume normal colours?!?! Could be that she is receptive or gravid as well.

Have fun!

I think that she actually might be in season or is gravid. I'm not totally convinced on the gravid part. I hope at least she is not gravid. She seems to be doing quite well today walking around, keeping high. I think she might be in season because I noticed her trying to paw her way through the glass towards the bottom. I thought she was mistaking her reflection for another male cham. She didn't seem to be bothered by it either just wanted to get to it. I placed some paper on the sides so she can't see her reflection and she moved to an area where she could. She is a very smart chameleon I can see her watching, looking studying the cage and its enclosure for a way out. She seems to want to get out but doesn't seem to stressed about not being able to be free. I have on sunny days put her in the sun and she seems to love it. I appreciate your input thank you.
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