little leaf
Avid Member
I have no idea why, but for some reason, it seems any crix I get are all dead in 3 days- at first, my original bin started to smell- and then about 800 died in a few days, - so I got rid of it, the bin, and anything that had to w/ them- waited a few weeks- and started w/ all new - now....not only did 1,000 1/8 die in 3 days, so did just about all the 3/4, and in less than 2 days, about 2,000 pinheads - those I hatched, and they are not even in the same part of the house as the others ?? at the price of crix, I MUST find out what is going on - and I do not want to feed what has not died until I know what is going on, I am ready to toss EVERYTHING - food, crix, and chams ( oh, lol not the chams ) water gel.. has anyone had this mass die off ? I would almost suspect the crix breeder, except that would not explain the pinhead die off - those hatched here

any help, or things to check for would be appreciated - thanks
any help, or things to check for would be appreciated - thanks