What brand enclosure are you using?


New Member
Are all the brands practically the same or are they slightly different? Also, what sites have the best deals for enclosures?
Hello, welcome to the wonderful world of chameleon keeping.

I think Dragonstrand, has the best cages out there. I have had about every kind of cage out there in my years of keeping chams. Most of us have the screen cages, but we always wrap them on three sides to maintain humidity in the cages. Dragonstrand cages are solid on 3 sides so no wrapping with a shower curtain! It also solves the problem of a visual barrier between chameleons.

Now after saying all that, I still have some of the cheaper screen cages. I am in the process of upgrading to all the Dragonstrand cages. Screen cages are cheaper, both in quality and price. Both are available from sponsors here on the forum.

The third type of enclosure is a terrarium. The problem I have with them is drainage. I have a number of those sitting empty downstairs. The glass holds heat and it is very easy to overheat and kill your Cham. You also have to address the issue of visiul barriers between chameleons. Chameleons seeing each other can cause stress for the chams. Stress kills chams if it lasts to long.

That is just my opinion of the 3 types of enclosures available at this time. The Dragonstrand is the top of the line, followed by cheap screen, followed by terrariums.

You should look for yourself and make an informed decision. Dragonstrand is a sponsor here, go to the upper right hand of the screen, click on forum sponsors. Tab down to Dragonstrand, look at that style. Next go Back to sponsors again and click on LLL reptile, also a sponser, they carry the screen cages.

I look at everything then decide. LLL also has terrariums, but I feel the are much more difficult for a beginner to have success with.

After looking at all of them, you can make your decision. I have given my opinion, as you ask, but you need to decide what you want. If you have questions, most of us can answer them.
Just wanted to throw my hat into the ring. Our cages offer some unique ideas that we developed specifically for our cages and are not offered by others.
I have both Dragonstrand and Canvas cages and I love them both - with 3 chameleons the Dragonstrand in the middle is great- Canvas worked with me to get the size I needed for a base and everything work perfectly. I got a cart from overstock and which fit the Dragonstrand perfectly and then had one made to a similar size from Canvas for the one side and a bigger one for my bigger guy on the other. I don't have to worry about looking at buckets and misters-
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