What are these things?


Established Member
While misting my chameleons today I noticed some little creatures on the underside of some Hibiscus leaves. They look like little white spiders. Does anybody know what they are? Are they going to bother my chameleon? If so, how do I get rid of them?



They are mites. While they can be devastating to plants, they likely wouldn't bother the chameleon directly, though possible, especially if the plant dried up and No others were around. You'll have to sterilize everything to ensure you are rid of them.

New plants should be quarantined for a couple of weeks before putting them into cages for maximum safety. Wash the plant, repot, and replace the soil, and keep in a separate room for a couple weeks while taking note of any signals the plant might give you during that time.

As far as eliminating the mites, seach on Google for "Plant spider mites" and you'll find plenty of methods. Use the least toxic ones first, and wash and rinse very thoroughly before returning the plant.
So these are probably just spider mites then? That's what I was hoping to hear, since they won't bother my chameleon... at least until they eat her home lol! Oh well, I'll have to decide on how I'm going to get rid of them.
I had those on my Hibiscus and i mixed a tiny bit of dish soap with water in a spray bottle. Then i sprayed the leaves and washed it. It worked for me!
with mites I've always had a good success placing them outside
among the rest of the plants.
There's enough predators in there to clean them out in a few days time.
This may work for you as well ... or you may infect all your other plants. ymmv

another old school trick is to spray them down (dunk) with ice water.
it shouldn't harm the plant and will kill the mites.
best of luck.
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