What a morning!!


New Member
So, has anyone else played the "chase the crickets on the lanai" game at 6:30 am? Apparently my cat "Hank" spent most of the evening entertaining himself with the cricket box. Yes, it was sealed. And yes, it was even put away under a small table that I thought (being the key word here) would prevent him from getting to them. Well I guess where there's a will, there's a way. :p

But let's kick it up a notch shall we? ;) Yesterday I received a shipment of 250 to start my new colony. I'm sure I don't need to go into the gory details of what a boat load of cricket's look like climbing up the walls at 6:30 am with the sun barely up. It looked like a horror movie set. It took me 45 minutes to catch the little jumpers. Let's just say that I have underestimated Hank's "abilities".

Here's a picture of the little monster. :D


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So, has anyone else played the "chase the crickets on the lanai" game at 6:30 am? Apparently my cat "Hank" spent most of the evening entertaining himself with the cricket box. Yes, it was sealed. And yes, it was even put away under a small table that I thought (being the key word here) would prevent him from getting to them. Well I guess where there's a will, there's a way. :p

But let's kick it up a notch shall we? ;) Yesterday I received a shipment of 250 to start my new colony. I'm sure I don't need to go into the gory details of what a boat load of cricket's look like climbing up the walls at 6:30 am with the sun barely up. It looked like a horror movie set. It took me 45 minutes to catch the little jumpers. Let's just say that I have underestimated Hank's "abilities".

Here's a picture of the little monster. :D

ahaha o man i had the same problem with my little guy, bubbles. (named after trailer park boys, bubbles) he will do everything in his power to get at the crickets. i have my cricket keeper inside a cardboard box inside a rubbermaid container all with holes and whatnot to breathe, and he still is mesmarized by the box trying to claw at it and jump in it.


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I keep hoping my cat will learn to catch the escapees, cos I HATE crickets... so far he'll bat them with his paws and maybe chew on one...but nice & gently so as not to hurt them... lol
I keep hoping my cat will learn to catch the escapees, cos I HATE crickets... so far he'll bat them with his paws and maybe chew on one...but nice & gently so as not to hurt them... lol

Our dog (a rottie) Cassie, LOVES to eat the crickets that somehow "escape"! :) She thinks she is a cat!
Somehow these cats that are suppose to control pest problems are creating them!? bad kittys!!!

My Pitbull decided to tip over the cricket container one morning... then eat them all... the gutload... the oranges... and my new puppy ate all the egg crates ><
Our dog (a rottie) Cassie, LOVES to eat the crickets that somehow "escape"! :) She thinks she is a cat!

lol I remember the first time I fed a reptile with my friend (we were house-sitting for her brother), we were both terrified of the locusts so they kept escaping & we kept squealing... in the end we instructed the dog (a king charles) to catch one....oh the horror!.... locust limbs flew in all directions!
our yorkie (who is bred to kill small things) has no interest in bugs, or the chams, or even our pet mice. what she wants are the birds. all that flapping drives her crazy and she goes right for the tail feathers... now if we could only get her after the crickets....
I knwo that feeling, but make it 3000 crickets and that was my problem..

:eek: Now THAT'S hard to imagine! When I lose feeders the first thing that comes to mind is how much each of the little darlings cost me to ship here (so I spend even more effort to catch every single one). My Dubia colony decided to tip itself off its shelf near the furnace one night. Of course it was right before the colony was due for a clean and culling, so there must have been a couple thousand in the bin. The bin fell 6 feet and lay smashed on the floor for hours. I highly suspect the roaches were dancing or something.

The worst feeder escape was my first order of 500 European nightcrawlers for my leaf frogs. Worms are amazingly athletic, escaping from just about any type of container and crawling up any surface. To keep them contained, you hang a light over the bin so they don't live up to their name and scatter. The bulb burned out of course. Getting out of bed the next morning I stepped on something cold and slimy. The carpet was covered with little wriggling things. From one closet those worms spread themselves over almost all the rooms in the house, getting stuck in the radiators, in sinks, kitchen counters, windows, in my shoes, the dog's water, even on the walls. I found groups of them each morning for days. The title of that little horror movie should be THEY CRAWL!!
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My cats really enjoy the cricket game and I rarely find escapees. I moved all my bug bins into an empty exo terra I can lock as soon as the black and white male decided he was interested. Once a Tuxedo cat decides they will do something it is time for drastic actions because they are smarter than the average person I run across.
My cocker spaniel thinks he is getting a treat when he catches one of the little buggers.lol
:eek: Now THAT'S hard to imagine! When I lose feeders the first thing that comes to mind is how much each of the little darlings cost me to ship here (so I spend even more effort to catch every single one). My Dubia colony decided to tip itself off its shelf near the furnace one night. Of course it was right before the colony was due for a clean and culling, so there must have been a couple thousand in the bin. The bin fell 6 feet and lay smashed on the floor for hours. I highly suspect the roaches were dancing or something.

The worst feeder escape was my first order of 500 European nightcrawlers for my leaf frogs. Worms are amazingly athletic, escaping from just about any type of container and crawling up any surface. To keep them contained, you hang a light over the bin so they don't live up to their name and scatter. The bulb burned out of course. Getting out of bed the next morning I stepped on something cold and slimy. The carpet was covered with little wriggling things. From one closet those worms spread themselves over almost all the rooms in the house, getting stuck in the radiators, in sinks, kitchen counters, windows, in my shoes, the dog's water, even on the walls. I found groups of them each morning for days. The title of that little horror movie should be THEY CRAWL!!

I would have moved..........:p
I would have moved..........:p

That thought crossed my mind...until I remembered I live in a tiny AK bush town of 397 with no place to move to, and it was January, dark, and snowing! It did give me a really great excuse to be late for work as no one wanted to find out if I was lying.

When the neighborhood kids begged to come see my animals they got the biggest kick out of the BUGS...forget the herps or the birds who ate them! Once in a while I'd offer a few Dubias to a kid for pets...especially if their parent was backed into a corner gagging as the kid held them.

My wife still screams at the sight of a roach or spider crawling across the floor and I can't imagine a box-o-crickets everywhere.

I keep my feeders in my small office and transport them to my chams enclosure in a small rubbermaid container.

Most every time I dump in 1/2 dozen or so, at least 1 gets out.

Every other night, I will find one creeping across the living room floor. I just get up without creating a commotion, scoop it up, and toss it outside for the annoles to devour.

So far...no SCREAMS about that!

THANK GOD the butterworms have not escaped our of our refrigerator!

Tampa, FL
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