Vitamin and Calcium supplements???

rep-cal with out d3 and Reptivite, and the reason I only use without d3 is because I am lucky enough that my chams gets to spend a lot of their time outside under the real sun... other wise you must use d3.
I use RepCal (no D3) on most crickets, which is perhaps 3 or 4 times a week.
I usually use RepCal with D3 twice a month. I have also used Sticky tongue mineral all - Indoors, but I used that once every month as it has less D3 in it than the RepCal product.
And twice a month (opposite week to the d3) I use RepCal Herptivite.

Other important related details:
My panther chameleons are indoors only, under UVB tubes.
I offer a wide variety of insects, not just crickets. The crickets are always lightly calicum dusted and gutloaded; most of the other insects offered are also gutloaded but not dusted.

More info on supplements:
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