very worried:-(


New Member
I had seen a couple weeks ago that one nail on the right side of my male veild cham was a little extended out but nothing major, a couple weeks later which was a couple days ago I noticed that the nail was dirty looking and not transparent to light like the others.... also noticed that there was sort of like a hole through the nail....... today was inspecting the nail was the same..... letf for a couple of hours, and on my return I inspected and noticed that the whole nail was gone and only a hole exists where the nail was at, no blood but still very worried not sure if he is in a little pain or what to do?????? :confused:
Do you have a reptile first aid kit? I do with the antibiotic powder I would dip it in there if you do?I think he probably pulled it out some how on the mesh?
I've had it happen before but dont let it get infected for sure man keep a close eye on it if you see swelling I would take him to the vet if you have any four about it not being clean be safe go to the vet you find the nail?
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