veiled temperature


New Member
so as ive been reading up on temperatures for my 7 month old female cham, im a bit confused. females need a cooler temperature than males, by what ive been reading my cham needs 78 to 82f, is this ambient?
my temperature gauge is a 1/4 down from the top and its reading 27c 80f. ive got 100w basking light at least 12" away from basking spot.
its a 4ft x 2ft x 2ft wooden tank, with vents at the back and ive got mesh at the top. i live in the england and doesnt get that hot. i had a 75w bulb in there and it was reading 77f. do you think i should put the 75w bulb back in?
shes acting fine, just want it spot on. suggestions would be great.
go to second page its my most recent pictures. but yesterday i got a new plant to replace the one that you will see, its a weeping ficus in a oversized plant pot, so using it as a laying bin. but didnt get chance to go round my mums, as she has a lap top and i dont. im using my mobile at the moment. but should give you a rough idea. will put new pictures up tomorrow.
i would put the 75 watt back in 80 seems to high for an ambiant temperature, where exactly is the temp gauge is it right under the light or on the side, put it about half way down on the side and see what temps you get if you get around 73-75 then your good
i put a link in the last thread you should see it. its at the back of the viv 1/4 down from the top. so do you mean put the gauge half way down on the same side of the basking light?
ive put the temp gauge at the middle on the oposite side of the basking light, and its reading 82f is that ok or do i put the 75w bulb in?
The temps in the lower part of the cage should be about 72-75 and the temps at the basking point should be about 85-88 for the female. It can be a little warmer for the male but I keep my temps the same for both sexes. At night the temps can drop down to 65-70. They need the cooler temps. Here in Florida we keep the A/C on all the time and our house temps are always at 75. I have their basking bulbs 40 watt which is enough for a nice warm spot for them but doesn't overheat the cage. These temps keep the females from creating infertile clutches, at least I have never had any except for once when a female became gravid at 8 months. That was all.
thanks for both your replys, its very helpfull. i think ive got it right now with the 75w basking bulb. the temp is spot on at night without any heating. like i said it doesnt get that hot here in england:(
im going to get a laser temp gun just to be sure. thanks again
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