Veiled Chameleon Butt Issue


New Member
I have made an appt with the vet, his next available slot is next Monday. Hope this isn't too serious and Karma will be able to wait till then. I have tried soaking his butt in warm water today. I am not sure if that piece is supposed to come out or retracted back in.


I think it is a hemipene and should go back in. I thought I'd read about soaking in sugar water or something odd like that. It is supposed to reduce the swelling. Maybe search for sugar water soak?
Yes what you need is lots of regular sugar mixed with room temp water. Make it liquid but sort of a thick liquid. Do the best you can with that to get that hempi back in. Make sure that you have some ky jelly to keep it moist until you see the vet. You will need to reapply the ky jelly fairly often until he gets to the vet.
That appears to be a large sperm plug and not an everted hemipene. You can continue the soaks until Monday and if it is not expelled by then your veterinarian can remove them.

Here is what the our Chameleon Care Resources page says about sperm deposits and sperm plugs.

Sexually mature male chameleons form an exudate of sperm in the hemipenes. This is normally expelled during defecation – sometimes the male will evert one or both of his hemipenes to free the matter – and looks like white rubbery sticky string. This is normal and needs no intervention. In cases where these aren't expelled normally sperm or seminal plugs then occur and these look like a small lump of dried feces at the corner(s) of the vent. If these are not removed they continue to build up and may cause some discomfort. Soaking the chameleon in a warm bath will help soften the material and may help the chameleon to push them out on their own. Hardened or enlarged plugs should be seen by a veterinarian for removal as damage to sensitive tissue can occur.
Update regarding Karma. Brought him to the vet on Monday. Trace was right about it being a large sperm plug. After the vet extracted it, I was shocked by the size of it. It was an inch long. Now that it was removed, there is still some swelling, but it should subside soon. Was asked to put some sugar at the vet to help absorb the moisture.

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