Urgent! My chameleon needs surgery or she'll die. Need advice please.

Oh please, don't torture yourself! Your care and dedication was ten times better than most people faced with the same situation. She was lucky to have you and probably had a much better life in general. You did nothing wrong and couldn't have done anything else.

Peace to Ninja and to you.:)

Carlton is completely correct, you were the best you could be for Ninja. She lived a good life, was well cared for and loved. You did not fail her. Life failed her in the end. You made sure her life was quality until that time.

When you are ready, please get another chameleon. So few people care for Chams as well as you did. Somewhere their is a Cham just hoping you will take it home and provide the life for it that you did for ninja. We will all be right here waiting for you.
So sorry ninja passed. You did everything you could, please take something from that.
Be kind to you, kath.
Thank you very much for your encouraging messages. It's a boost of confidence to read such nice things. This really is an amazing community.
I have a small male veiled that was meant to be Ninja's partner eventually, however, I think I might stay away from females for a while.
Harsh news.

But take it from me this was supposed to happen. Very hard to fight let alone stop the inevitable

Ninja is up there with dizzy
Oh no! I am so very sorry for your loss. That is just tragic - you gave her a wonderful life and you should not be blaming yourself one bit because you went above and beyond getting her the care she needs. You got her help and made sure she got the surgery she needed, which is better than a lot of people! Unfortunately you were stuck between a rock and a hard place though. She was going to die if you didn't do the surgery because those eggs would never have been laid. They were killing her slowly and if you hadn't done the surgery you'd have the same outcome but after suffering. You gave her the best chance she could have had. I'm so sorry it didn't work out. These little guys are so full of risk either way. May she rest in peace.
I have been following your thread and was really rooting for her to recover well from the surgery. I am so sorry for your loss. Don't beat yourself up as you did the best you could. She was lucky to have you as her keeper.
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