UK Sand


New Member
Are there any UK forum members here that can suggest an online place where I can get suitable sand for my Veiled chamelion please? I know I need a non lime "soft" play type sand but I'm not sure where to start really !
I have various places near me where I could potentially purchase suitable sand but can someone comment on suitability aswell please? Is "No lime and soft" the only thing I'm looking for? Links much appreciated :)
Sand isn´t recommended for chams, he could eat the sand and get impacted, he would die, you should go bare bottom, paper sheets, newspaper, or a towel
I have used calcisand and kil dried sand with no problems. Some people also mix soil with sand too!
I have some sand here that I use (mixed with compost) for my bonzai tree and carnivorous plants. I don't suppose I can judge it's safety for chameleons just by looking at it or handling it can I? I do remember what chinchilla sand felt like from when I was a kid. Vey silky feeling stuff. Is that the sort of thing I'm after? What constitutes bad?
I do the same as gad58y - Tesco often have the kids play sand in too but mine came from Argos. Adding some eco earth to the sand also makes it lighter and easier for the females to dig through. In fact, I have more eco earth than sand in mine as they seem to prefer dirt to dig in.
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