No, never let water directly touch eggs. you can brush them off if you want. Remember, eggs sit for months like this in the wild, buried under inches of soil, sand and rocks. They really are stronger than you'd think. You just need to understand the basic knowhow.
Keep the vermiculite/perlite slightly moist, but take care not to let any water drop on the eggs. poke you finger a bit into the medium, put an egg in and move the medium around the eggs so about half or more of the egg is buried. The more you bury them, the better they will absorb the moisture. Make sure you leave a tiny bit visible though, so you know when they have molded.
i ordered some butterworms for the girls yesterday, they should be here friday at the latest , they might be here thursday.
Splinter and Lucky are both looking ok. they are eating and drinking ,their drippers have been on twice as much since they laid eggs .
they were shy drinkers before because i rarely ever saw them drink, i probably have not seen all of them drink, i seen sonic drinking,i might of seen lucky drinking . now i seen both lucky and splinter drinking , they looked thirsty when they were drinking.
i have not moved the eggs yet ,they are still in trays of peat/sand , i have to find trays for the perlite
the butterworms arrived today,next time i will be ordering the worms sooner.i am also working on a silkworm deal.