Tropical Firebrats (silverfish)


New Member
I got some of these to try out for my brevs, is there any nutritional value? What do they eat? I just planned on using them as a one time treat but I always like to learn about the stuff I feed to my chameleons.
Different species

These are related to but not the same as regular silverfish. They do not drink water but get their moisture from humidity. They also do best at much hotter temperatures. 100-106 degrees farenheit. So they wont infest your house if they get loose. Although they have been knowm to be able to live around water heaters.

Digby Rigby [email protected] Email with phone number instead of PM as this site doesnt forward PM to email
Fire brats are like roaches...they eat anything. A mix of fruits, vegetables, and cricket food should do the trick. Fire brats breed readily in a warm humid place. Put a moist warm paper towel or a dish filled with organic soil. They will then lay eggs.;)
Can someone post a picture of the silverfish you are talking about? I wonder if they're the things that are in my basement. If so, I can collect them and breed them.
Similar but not synonymous

They look very similar to the silverfish in your basement, just mottled. They tend to be pests in bakeries where it is very hot like near the ovens or if they are in homes near water heaters. They are called firebrats because their parents are arsonists who move around a lot ;) Actually because they require very hot temperatures. Around 99-106 degrees is good. They can also be fed high quality all natural fish flakes. They get the moisture they need from humidity not from standing water or moisture.

Digby Rigby [email protected]

Email will get faster response than private messsage as there is no forwarding of PM to email here.
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