Tommy's Chamtastical!!

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
Well, Tommy seems to be settling in very well. He has eaten today which I wasn't really expecting! Here's another pic of him - he looks like he's always smiling! His happy face reminds me of a turtle, bless him!

He's got real force with his tongue too! He hand fed a locust from me and it was like 'THWACK'!:D:D He's such a chilled l'il chap, and he's stayed bright too and hasn't shown any signs of stress at moving house.:D

What about a picture of him fired up?
You can get him to fire up if you put him infront of a mirror and let him see himself.
Do you plan to breed your Veileds?
Have you shown Amy to Tommy?

He looks awesome anyway!
I'm a bit reluctant to try the mirror thing just yet! Lily used to hiss at herself but Amy just tries to climb through the mirror, lol! They haven't seen each other (yet!) and I have no plans to breed them. She's only 8 months old and he's a monster! She'll get crushed he's so chunky!:D
Big boys with a good attitude don't suffer from stress- I'm sure he is one of them. Give him a couple of weeks and he will be the king of the whole household (and that's only the beginning) LOL :D
So you better run away with Amy in case you don't want to get hurt :)
He is splendid. But - two days of nothing but Billy/Tommy posts - Amy's beginning to feel second fiddle!:p
Just a couple more pics of Tommy! He wanted to come out this afternoon so I took the chance to get some more pics of him! He's so calm and it seems like he's been here forever! He has captured my heart already, lol! :D


oh he's wonderful.............his casque is just gorgeous, looks like he's running and the wind is blowing it backwards :) he's great, i have a soft spot for male veileds, thats for sure :)
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