Thorium update


New Member
Thorium recently went to the vet for a possible infection on his back and front left arm. He was diagnosed with a bacterial and fungal infection.

He was prescribed baytril for the bacterial infection and a mix of silvadene and lamasil AT for the fungal infection. The Baytril has helped significantly with the bacterial infection, but the final infection was getting worse. We've since started him on an oral anti-fungal prescribed by the vet. He seems to be responding slowly to the oral anti-fungal. He has however stopped eating (he won't even eat his favorite horworms!!!) We've since talked to the vet and we have in on Repta-Boost to help with calorie intake.

At first with the oral medications he fought us hard, but now he's accepted the meds. He's much faster to open up his mouth for the two meds and the force-feeding.

He looks like he's starting to turn around.
Keep up the hard work! Thorium is lucky to have a deicated owner like you :)

Perhaps you need a different drug for the fungal infection. Itraconazol worked for my cham
I believe that is what we are using. I don't have it in front of me right now. He's only been on the anti-fungal for four days now. I was told by the vet it may take several weeks to really work.
Yeah, fungal infections can take a while. I think the intraconazol is a diuretic, so keep Torium hydrated :) He will be fine!
I'll make sure to give him extra access to water. He's been drinking like a horse lately, so at least his instinct has kicked in!
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