This brand of supplements ok?


New Member
Had these for about a year, using these for my geckos.
Looks like the pics aren't showing, but all 3 are Rep-Cal. Calcium, Calcium D3, & Herptivite multivitamin
Those brands are all fine. Just check the expiration dates. I think the vitamins can go bad, but not sure if that is the case with calcium.
Thats what I use for my w/D3 and multivit. Just make sure the expiration date hasn't lapsed. Another great brand is Miner-all. I use Miner-all outdoor (w/o D3) for daily cal dusting.
Those brands are all fine. Just check the expiration dates. I think the vitamins can go bad, but not sure if that is the case with calcium.

Sorry I responded at the exact same time as you! The calcium also has an expiration. Great minds think alike :D
If you keep them refrigerated, they last longer than leaving them in a 75 degree room. I chuck mine in the garbage when the date i bought it that I wrote on the lid hits 1 year, but thats just (anal) me….:D

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