The Things we do for our Chams......


Established Member
So there I was getting produce cleaned and cut up for the week for gutload for the insects and I thought to myself, "These bugs eat better than I do"!!

Here is 3 pounds of Dandelion leaves ready to go with the Arugula and Oranges.

Let the Gutloading begin!
I was thinking that and commented on it to my dad just the other day. I said if someone opened our refrigerator and saw all those fruits and vegetables, they'd think we were really healthy, only it's NOT for us.:D
I went shopping at the fruit stand with my mom in law this weekend. Most of what I had in my cart was for my crickets and superworms!! She said, I didn't know you ate kale. And I replied, I don't!! She thinks I am CRAZY!
our chameleons actually helped us get the right 'push' we needed to eating healthier :D I used to be fairly lazy - only cooking when I felt I had no other choice... But now we juice a lot, twice a day on average, sometimes more, and eat tons of salads! The only reason we do that really, is because the feeders need a varied diet, and the more varied the better! We also usually buy more than we need for the feeders, so it would just go bad. :( On the plus side, we feel a lot better, think better and are more awake and have more energy! It's a win-win for us and the chameleons :)

Do you feed all those dandelion leaves at once? If so, how many feeders do you have??? :eek: If not, how do you store them to keep them fresh? I keep having to find dandelion seeds and plant them to grow my own.. or I pick them in a forest clearing where I know no pesticides are.... Can't buy a lot of greens here that are great for feeding!
our chameleons actually helped us get the right 'push' we needed to eating healthier :D I used to be fairly lazy - only cooking when I felt I had no other choice... But now we juice a lot, twice a day on average, sometimes more, and eat tons of salads! The only reason we do that really, is because the feeders need a varied diet, and the more varied the better! We also usually buy more than we need for the feeders, so it would just go bad. :( On the plus side, we feel a lot better, think better and are more awake and have more energy! It's a win-win for us and the chameleons :)

Do you feed all those dandelion leaves at once? If so, how many feeders do you have??? :eek: If not, how do you store them to keep them fresh? I keep having to find dandelion seeds and plant them to grow my own.. or I pick them in a forest clearing where I know no pesticides are.... Can't buy a lot of greens here that are great for feeding!

I do have a lot of feeders going on. Multiple tubs of crickets in various sizes, multiple species of roaches, superworms, isopods, other worms, etc....

That what you see plus a pound of arugula and a few oranges will last me 4 days.

For keeping produce fresh, once you rinse it off and cut away the stems, wrap it in dry paper towels and then put that whole bundle back in the plastic bag. That will keep the produce fresh, moist, and crisp.

Every time I get endive, collard greens, mustard greens, escarole at the store it always confuses the checkout person and whenever they ask me 'so how do you prepare these or what do you eat them with?' I'm always like 'I have no idea, I give them to bugs'!
that's how it is at my house- lol the feeders eat much healthier :p , and also at my office, they save all the "unclaimed" fruit and vegs for me, or you hear from the back office-" Cheryl, there is a fly in here..." I keep little jars in my purse to catch them in :p :p
Focusing on the health of my chams and giving them a healthy diet definitely forced me to take a look at how I was treating my own body. I have changed my eating habits quite a lot since becoming a chameleon keeper. Being forced to go to the grocery store a couple times a week facilitated having more healthy food around the house.

Thats a lot of dandeleon!
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