T. j. jacksonii


New Member
Hi, my T. j. jacksonii has just had babies, could you please tell me what set up they need to in, first chameleon babies I,ve had, would it be ok to put a fogger in, your help much appreiciated,
There are three ways to raise babies.
1) indoors I do this in individual cages with 4 inch pots of plants. This is a pain in the butt but the most successful way. They prefer to be kept away from others. I start 2 per cage and separate to singles after a couple months.


2) You can start them all in a bin with branches and live plants. Like this. This is outdoors in so cal. we keep it covered to keep the birds out it only gets morning sun. Indoors you would need to hang a UVB bulb and if your house runs cold a heat lamp but not too much heat they dehydrate quickly if overheated.


3) You can do a cage setup like this and use your dome lights for the first couple months.
The cage must be packed with plants so they can get away from each other or the stress will kill them. This was taken outdoors but you get the idea.
If you do the large cage method indoors you should use T5 lights and raise them off the top so they don't have to compete for the same basking and UVB space they can hurt each other climbing over one another.
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