T.J.Jacksoni 22 days old and ALL 11 still alive and well !!!

Health ck and cleaning tub

Look at those horns!!!


These r the original 11 and r all doing fantastic
To upload pictures off of your camera you have to plug in your camera and then you go to manage attachments and find your camera and just pick the pictures you want to upload and there you go.

Simply amazing. I had a setup like that, and did not fair well,

My best baby setup was a schefflera crammed into a 12" wide scales cage with lots of drips, and wingless and WINGED fruit flies. It really kept teh humidity high.

major congrats.
Oops I forgot.

On my tub, I carefully cut out the bottom, and it was supported laterally with branches, to keep its shape. Then i slipped that tub,, with all the fixings into another of the same type. So to clean the bottom, I just removed the inner tub, with all the fixings and the babies and slipped it into a new clean one.

I would spray things first, to try to wash anything into the bottom to remove it.
I've always loved to build and design. I get as much enjoyment from that as I do the critters.
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