Supplementation Question


I have a question about supplements and was wondering on those that free range your food on how you ensure that your cham is getting enough of the supplements. I was cup feeding mine but he has gone on a hunger strike as of late so I am letting a few crickets and superworms roam so he can eat when he wants.

I am worried that as they roam the supplements will wear off their bodies and he will not be getting what he needs. He will not hand feed and is ignoring the cup completely. I did watch him eat a cricket yesterday and he also took a couple of horn worms down.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
The dust will stay on for wife a while. You can also try putting q few feeders down close to him so you can watch. Then you know he's eating some freshly dusted bugs.
The dust will stay on for wife a while.

Freudian slip?

You can hand feed him a few feeders (maybe 3) that are dusted so you know he's getting the goods and free range the rest to bring out his inner beast. :cool:

although yeah the dust does seem to stick for a while even free ranging. if its' really wet in there though it comes off a lot quicker.
Ya, no luck on the had feeding here. He hates me even watching him much less putting my hand in his enclosure. Hopefully this will get better with age and routine but I will keep trying. I got him to do it once.
Ya, no luck on the had feeding here. He hates me even watching him much less putting my hand in his enclosure. Hopefully this will get better with age and routine but I will keep trying. I got him to do it once.

if u start hand feeding with some sort of wriggling worm it seems to work better. the movement seems to be extra exciting for the cham.

So maybe just cup feed a few and free range a few.. and remember, they only need to be very lightly dusted.

Pssh: That's what they all say :p
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