sun through window

Lil nasty

If its sunny in morning my cham will bask in the sun that hits his cage through a window. Its only the edge of his cage for a couple hours but he sits there. Ive read that nothing beneficial could pass through the window? Why does he choose to sit there instead of say his basking and uv light? Just curious. thanks
That is right - glass filters out pretty much all beneficial UV rays. They just react differently to the heat of the sun. My female will sit and bask when the sun comes through my window onto her viv. They can tell the difference between 'proper' sun and fake sun UV's that we provide for them. The minute I take my girl outside in the summer she reacts to the sun's warmth.
That is right - glass filters out pretty much all beneficial UV rays. They just react differently to the heat of the sun. My female will sit and bask when the sun comes through my window onto her viv. They can tell the difference between 'proper' sun and fake sun UV's that we provide for them. The minute I take my girl outside in the summer she reacts to the sun's warmth.

Exactly. It is much more natural for them to want the sun to bask in. I see nothing wrong with him using it to warm up a bit but you want to make sure he is still getting under his UVB lights. The sun will help the live plants in an enclosure also.
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