Strange Lump on Side


Hello all. Rinoa is a female veiled chameleon, approx 2.5 years old. Just today I noticed a small lump that I had not seen previously. It's oval shaped, about a quarter inch long, and an eighth of an inch wide. It proceeds about maybe an eighth of an inch from her skin line; likely less, but I'm eyeballing it. The lump is positioned about 1.75 inches proximal from her neck, and almost exactly in line horizontally with her shoulder joint. She's still quite active and doesn't seem lethargic or sickly at all. She has never been fed wild insects. Is anything wrong with her?
Duh, sorry. She likes to hang out facing the window, so I'll take a pic as soon as I'm able to get a good one.
I'm sorry. I blanked super hard on this for some reason. I'm not sure what happened. Anyway, here's a pic. My bad for the brain cramps.

Edit: this was taken today, May 18. It looks basically identical to what I described previously.
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