Starting to dig after 17 days


New Member
my panther has been restless all day up and down the cage only eating 2 crickets and started diging (mixing the top half of the sand) in the egg bin only after 17 days from breeding.
I put her in my five gal. buckit and she dug a little bit nothing deep at all.
I let her stay in the bin for 3 hours and when I went to peak on her she was gone! she climbed out the buckit and was on the book shelf. Still no eggs.

Is it to early yet for her to be laying eggs? shes not very big at all
is this just the start of her getting ready to lay soon?
should I try her in the buckit again everyday now till she lays her eggs?
any help would be nice
I recommend that you put an opaque container of washed playsand that is moist enough to hold a tunnel in her cage and don't keep moving her or watching her or bugging her if you don't want to push her to eggbinding. This container when empty should be about 12"L x12"H x 8"W. When she starts digging a hole in that container then you can move her to the bigger bin...which BTW is going to be hard to keep her in since its not all that big.

Most people use a large garbage can or a 65 litre rubbermaid for the egglaying container that you move the chameleon they can't escape.
I recommend that you put an opaque container of washed playsand that is moist enough to hold a tunnel in her cage and don't keep moving her or watching her or bugging her if you don't want to push her to eggbinding. This container when empty should be about 12"L x12"H x 8"W. When she starts digging a hole in that container then you can move her to the bigger bin...which BTW is going to be hard to keep her in since its not all that big.

Most people use a large garbage can or a 65 litre rubbermaid for the egglaying container that you move the chameleon they can't escape.

I got a 10" pot in her cage now wich she just started today to scratch the top part of the sand.
is 17 day to early to lay eggs?
what is my window for her to lay when she starts searching for a spot?
Assuming this is her first depends on when during the female's cycle you bred her (and there is no way we can tell when the cycle started without knowing when she laid eggs last) she might lay them earlier than the normal 30ish days...and if that happens, the clutch will likely contain mostly infertile eggs.
this is her first time also she's not that big maybe just a little bit
i breed her on the 30th and the 2nd she got her graved colors after the 2nd
put the egg laying bucket in the viv with her make shur you have branches going in to the bucket. 3 hours is not long enough when your surten she will lay place a sheet over her viv and leave here for a 24 hours and try not disturb her. If you level the laying medium you will be able to tell if she has layed
she layed 13 eggs in her cage buckit at 19 days. shes eating and drinking
i think she might still have eggs? still graved color too
My clutches are usually 20 to 25. I can't recall reading of clutches that were much smaller than 20....but that's not to say its not possible.
she was digging for 3 days. saterday i came home and she had dirt all over the place so I took the laying bin out of her cage and started to dig them up i got almost to the bottom and there they were. she did such a good job of packing it down I realy didnt think she layed since it was only 19 days

yes the bin is back in the cage.
also shes still graved.
shes not roaming the cage anymore and shes back to eating.
I think she might still have eggs dont no till she starts to dig again.
You said..."also shes still graved"....what are you basing this on?? The problem is that if she didn't lay all the eggs she could become eggbound.
she still has her grave colors dark with orange spots. egg bound? its in the back of my mind!!!
she did do what her instininct told her to do dig a hole and burry them. yes it was a little early 19 days from the 2nd and 22 days from the 30th of july.
she is no beast of a girl eather shes on the small side for a 9month female.
i did do a palpatation on her as much as she let me and felt no eggs.
just as I did this 4 days befor she layed i felt no eggs as well at some times i thought she might have been prego and others could not even tell.
at this point all i can do is watch her. if anything changes I will go to the vet at any cost!!
any info would be appreciated
They usually show gravid colors for a few days after they lay the eggs.

You're kind of in a catch 22 situation...if you wait and she has eggs by the time you find out it will likely be that spaying her is the only way to save her...but if you take her now you might waste your money if she doesn't have any eggs...but on the other hand it might give you peace of mind.
I will palpatate her one more time just to be on the safe side. I think i did read that smaller females and first timers that this can happen . like most of them say 20 - 40 eggs average at that being said 20 is low? and 40 is high?
what about females that lay 50 or more. what if she only layed 20 could she still have eggs in her? since 20 is still on the low end of the (average) scale?
any info would be helpful at this time
Just a thought, my female will continue to dig and act like she is going to lay eggs for a couple of days after she has already laid. I've seen her do this the last 3 clutches. She continues to thrive, eats and drinks and always has nice white urate. I have been told this happens for some females. They are still in instinct mode so continue that behavior i suppose.
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