Started my Free Range setup for Aquaman

Finally got started on something for Aquaman so he may take advantage of the summer heat and roam the room or at least by the window. Definitely feels a lot safer than the curtain and rod he used to use.


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Day 3. Aquaman has been eating hornworms and superworms out of my hand while on his free range setup so he is still comfy I’m assuming. He is really good at catching the few soldier flies I release daily. Here are shots of him working his way down to catch a soldier fly.


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A bit of resistance going back in to his cage the first couple days but I’ve remedied this by turning on the air conditioning sooner during the hottest part of the day and closing the blinds earlier. He will actually go to me on his own to return to his cage when the room cools down. Night time color shot.


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So I bring out Aquaman for about 15 minutes of natural sunlight to make up for the UVB he is missing out on by being out in his free range setup for longer parts of the day. I noticed he will usually poop soon after and has now chosen to use his free range area as his toilet. He got me good today and as you can see, he went on the other side of the curtains to go potty, which was quite difficult to clean. At least his poops looks nice and moist showing minimal orange probably from the carrot gut load but thats another discussion.


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Let’s see if he trusts that I won’t just put him back in his enclosure 😆. I’ll put him on his other branch instead.


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Day 5: just like any other usual day except he is out n’ about out of his cage. He has his mouth open occasionally, we got the A/c blastin’ but the temps in his basking area are still nice n toasty so I believe he is just thermoregulating and releasing some hornworm juices. Good thing I have the sheer curtains because that desert sun is really hot.


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My guys also for some reason now poop outside their enclosures since having free range and outdoor time. Lol I’m pretty grateful because I usually pull the leafs right off the plants poop lands on to reduce parasite transfer and it definitely takes a toll on the plant sometimes.
Uh oh looks like Aquaman already cozied up for the night as I was not able to tend to him on time to get him back in his enclosure. I don’t mind him having a sleepover but his heat lamp is with his enclosure. Anyone ever let them just sleep in place?


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My guys also for some reason now poop outside their enclosures since having free range and outdoor time. Lol I’m pretty grateful because I usually pull the leafs right off the plants poop lands on to reduce parasite transfer and it definitely takes a toll on the plant sometimes.
im actually grateful too since cleaning the plants in his enclosure is difficult as well. cleaning the carpet or table is waaaaay easier. but when the back of the curtain catches them up high, it leaves for a unique cleaning situation.
Uh oh looks like Aquaman already cozied up for the night as I was not able to tend to him on time to get him back in his enclosure. I don’t mind him having a sleepover but his heat lamp is with his enclosure. Anyone ever let them just sleep in place?
He won’t need his heat lamp till he wakes up. As long as no other pets can get to him (if you have cats or dogs) I would think he would be ok.
Early morning Day 6: Woke up to him already awake slowly moving around. Had to get a finger under him to move him into his enclosure. Wasn’t exactly voluntary as I placed my finger under him instead of him going to me on his own, which i’d like, but overall quite happy with letting him sleep out of his cage. Will let him soak up some UVB and warm up a bit before letting him back out at a later, warmer, time today.


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I offered a hand to Aquaman and he actually went on me voluntarily this time. I motioned to place him on his other branch but he refused. I’m guessing the free range spot may be too as it is a 104 degrees out and the window is quite hot even with the a/c blasting. Offered him the enclosure and he ran right in. Won’t be any rude morning awakenings from me if he is already in there. I hope this becomes routine.


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I offered a hand to Aquaman and he actually went on me voluntarily this time. I motioned to place him on his other branch but he refused. I’m guessing the free range spot may be too as it is a 104 degrees out and the window is quite hot even with the a/c blasting. Offered him the enclosure and he ran right in. Won’t be any rude morning awakenings from me if he is already in there. I hope this becomes routine.
104?! Wow! And I thought it was hot here in Florida in the 90’s.
If he is really enjoying his free range, and you don’t have any other pets in the room, you may look into full time free range in the future. It would take a little more work, but from what you are posting here it seems like he is spending a lot of his time out of his enclosure anyway. You would just set up UVB lamps above his free range area ( like hanging from the celing) as well as a basking lamp. Granted, I’m not sure how humidity is there. Maybe do some searching in the threads on here. I’m far from an expert and do not know the fine details of setting up an area like this so you’d need to research it.

You could also just make a little branch pathway that connects his free range to his enclosure.
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If he is really enjoying his free range, and you don’t have any other pets in the room, you may look into full time free range in the future. It would take a little more work, but from what you are posting here it seems like he is spending a lot of his time out of his enclosure anyway. You would just set up UVB lamps above his free range area ( like hanging from the celing) as well as a basking lamp. Granted, I’m not sure how humidity is there. Maybe do some searching in the threads on here. I’m far from an expert and do not know the fine details of setting up an area like this so you’d need to research it.

You could also just make a little branch pathway that connects his free range to his enclosure
I took your advice and got more vines and connected the top of his enclosure to connect to the top of our curtain. I also placed vines for him to easily move from branch to branch across the desk. He was excited for this one as he was not hesitant at all to give it a try 🙌. Not quite full time free range as I only open it when the room gets warmer. He does puff at me more now in the morning to let him out. He is also getting quite territorial by the bromeliad displaying is beard and chattering his teeth. That’s my cue to give him space.


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I took your advice and got more vines and connected the top of his enclosure to connect to the top of our curtain. I also placed vines for him to easily move from branch to branch across the desk. He was excited for this one as he was not hesitant at all to give it a try 🙌. Not quite full time free range as I only open it when the room gets warmer. He does puff at me more now in the morning to let him out. He is also getting quite territorial by the bromeliad displaying is beard and chattering his teeth. That’s my cue to give him space.
Oh my gosh I bet he is LOVING that! 😍😍😍 I have a veiled and he puffs his beard out too when he’s fiesty. I know he’s angry but I just love the little chainsaw beards 😂
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