Soooo Excited!

Sorry, but just I had to tell someone! I just ordered my first chameleon from Kammerflage Kreations and I'm really excited. I spent a long time talking to them at the Pasadena reptile show and I was really impressed. I've been doing a bunch of reading on chameleons in general and panther's in particular (just spent an hour or so scaring myself by reading the health clinic forum).

Hopefully my cage setup will be here soon so I can get my new baby! And I promise to post pictures when he gets here.

So if anyone has any helpful website, links, or threads for a newbie chameleon keeper it would be appreciated. I'm soooooo excited!

Now I just have to get over my fear of crickets....
Yea what kind :D
If you use the search engine you can find sooo many enclosure pics and ideas! Enjoy and Welcome to your new addiction!
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