Smidget hidding after his move!


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Smidget is a 5 month old Nosy Be from Fl Chams.
He is not yet tame, in fact he only recently hangs out in the open and not running away (well, not running, just walking slowly!) when I'm near.

So, I moved him from is baby cage into a 24 X 18 Reptibreeze last week and I havent seen him since!!

He is in there hidding from me, he wont even come out at feeding time.

I have to let the cricks loose in the cage for him to hunt, I have also never seen him eat except the first day I got him.
I know he eats because his poop's are big and healthy, with nice white urates.

I am getting tired of this aloof behaviour though!! :mad:
And, have to feed him this way, means cricks get out and roam the house looking for a warm place to chirp all night :rolleyes:

It's been a whole week since the move, so I would think he is settled down by now as I have left him completly alone.

All my other guys were hand feeding by 5 months, so I am running out of patience with Smidget.

Any suggestions what I should do??!!

Should I simply continue to leave him alone??

I would post a pic of him if only I could find him and he lets me take a pic.

I had this horrible dream that I had been feeding and misting his cage but he was not inside it the whole time!! :eek:
So this is starting to get under my skin :(
How was he before the move? Some guys are just never going to be friendly . I have had my transvaalense for over 5 months and they still think I am the creature from their nightmares come to eat them. Ungrateful brats aren't they?
Hope he comes around soon, would love to see photos of him......maybe he is just the kind that it takes a little more time.
Thanks, I just walked into the room, and he was out on his basking branch. When he saw me, he started weaving back and forth while slowly moving to hide behind it :(

At least I know he's still in there :confused:
Could you draw a picture for us to see what you think he looks like? :D I have to say, Zaphod does the same thing since moving to his big home. There are so many spots for him to hide and he loves it! I think my wife thinks he's gone and I just don't want to tell her. By the time she gets home from work, he has already found his spot for the night, so she hasn't seen him in weeks! Serves you right for giving him all those leaves to hide in :p.
He is sitting out on his basking branch this morning. Not very disturbed with me walking around as long as I mind my own business :rolleyes:

Threw a few dozen little cricks in yesterday, there are only a few in there now, so either he pigged out, or I have a bunch more cricks loose in the house!! :eek:

Here is a old pic, not very good, but the only one I have right now;

P.S. just saw him zap a Phoenix worm!! I put a deli cup of them in his cage last night, so he has found them :)
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Could you draw a picture for us to see what you think he looks like? :D I have to say, Zaphod does the same thing since moving to his big home. There are so many spots for him to hide and he loves it! I think my wife thinks he's gone and I just don't want to tell her. By the time she gets home from work, he has already found his spot for the night, so she hasn't seen him in weeks! Serves you right for giving him all those leaves to hide in :p.

LOL!! I know it. I did that deliberatly to give him an added sence of security.
Here is a quike pic I just took of Smidget's new home (that's Smeagol you see on the top, wandering the free range and getting into trouble):
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He's probably frightened by your cham climbing on his cage. Is there a visual barrier between cages where they can't see each other? Your positioning of his cage in your cham room might suit you but if he is able to see other chams that may be enough to stress him and cause him to stay hidden.
He's probably frightened by your cham climbing on his cage. Is there a visual barrier between cages where they can't see each other? Your positioning of his cage in your cham room might suit you but if he is able to see other chams that may be enough to stress him and cause him to stay hidden.

That's a very good point, but I only moved him there a few days ago, before that he was in another room and acted the same.
I also make sure he cant see the others, esp. when they are roaming free.
I know it would be stressful to look up and see a big cham on the roof stairing down at you :eek:
i love your set up.......!!!

I do have a few questions... may i ask? i dont want to steal your thread...

Sure, just PM me anytime, but we are getting ready 2 go 2 my brother's house 4 thanksgiving dinner now. I have to bring a few cooked dishes (WTF??? how do U cook a dish!! :D )
Will answer U tomorrow though, so, have a good Holiday, and dont forget to give your chams a little something special :)
Yaaay!! saw him eat yesterday, and again this morning!! :)
I put a small deli cup of silkies and Phoenix worms in his cage and he has found it and enjoying some yummy worms :rolleyes:

Of course, I have to watch from 10 feet away, but better then nothing :D

He is basking in plain view more often as well, as long as I dont get too close, he chills there.
This morning when I went to turn his dripper on (need to get right up to the cage for that) I noticed him stitting on and open branch, just giving me the stink eye big time :cool:

If I leave his cage door open, and back way away, I can maybe get a good pic of him if he cant see me or my camera, which would send him hidding for 2 days in a flash (I believe all chams hate cameras!!)

If I can get a good pic, I will post it.

Who knows, in the end, little Smidget may turn out to be the friendliest of the bunch ;)
See it is just what we said, your baby loves you, he just needed to relax. Now both of you can be happy again.:)
Yes they lived happily ever after, except for the days when your baby has a need to be a complete pain in the rear.:D
LOL!! I think all 4 of my guyz enjoy their occasional "lets torment that big giant" times. So much fun, and they always get what they want in the end :rolleyes:
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