New Member
I was considering ordering some silk worms from the silkworm coastal site located on the home page. I wanted to write them with my questions but I figured that I could get better, faster responses in here. Has anyone in here ordered from them before? Where they any good? Can I delay the hatching of the eggs for a substainal time with refridgeration? How fast do they go from hatching to spinning their cocoons? Can I feed these safely to juvenilles? I know that they only eat mullberry leaves, do these have any good nutrional value to my chameleons or are they just a good snack every now and then? I usually just feed my chameleons crickets, superworms, and wax worms. I wanted to mix it up a little bit if I could do it. I just can not handle anything else that is to time consuming. With the numbers they sell them in I think I could handle them as long as I could delay the hatching some what. With the prices and all the other stuff they sell (food and housing) it does not seem like a bad option.