Shedding issue


Chameleon Enthusiast
Hi everyone! Napoleon is 9 mos old and was put on Albon Sept1st .06ml for 5days then every other day for 2 weeks. Up until this point he was super healthy with no signs of issues but when the fecal came back with coccidia the vet prescribed this. She said it was mild and common. We’ll after day 4 he stopped eating roaches and would only take super worms. We still offered roaches but knew decreased appetite was a side effect so continued to offer what he ate.( still eating worms only up until yesterday, ) His last shed was July 29th so I knew he was due for shed. We’ll a few days ago his one eye turned white (like shedding) and he got a shed spot on his back by his spikes. The shed on his spikes almos looks thick (like a blister) but has not come off yet. Today that eye that the shed was on he is now closing for a few seconds then opening. I guess I am asking if this behavior could still be a side effect from the antibiotics and decreased eating has caused a messed up shed. I will call the vet back if necessary, I just didn’t want to panic if this may pass. I’ve attached pics best I could get of his shed and eye.
The 1st,3rd and 4th pic were taken last night and 2nd today. The last pic is of the day before yesterday on the hat. This whole side of his body does not seem to be affected at all or very little. It’s just the one side. I know that’s a lot of info and it’s all mixed but trying to give a back story to the last few weeks leading up.

Screen cage: 24x24x48
12hr on off light cycle
75w basking light: temp around 82
24in t5 5.0- 7in from stick( we have the uv checker, not the sticky’s the good one) it’s 3.0 at his back where he sits
All real plants
Dripper on top, automatic mister 20 min before lights on 20 minutes after lights off and 2x overnight because our home is a little dry. No fogger but room humidifier at night.
Humidity: night 70% : day 40-50% we try to stay between
Food: before antibiotics- 4-5 good sized roaches (big med-smaller large)and 1-2 lg superworms a day dusted with calcium supplements mon-sat and 2x month repashy plus lod.
Feeders are gut loaded with highlighter dust, carrots, peppers and occasional fruit slice
Poop is normal although I haven’t seen any today and yesterday
We do see him drink daily but he does seem a little dehydrated so we’re working on that.
I ordered some silkworms to try to get him to eat and get hydration. He’s had them before and been eh about liking them. They will be here tomorrow.

I’m sure I’m forgetting something in husbandry, I’m just not too tech savvy and couldn’t figure how to get the form here.

I’m hoping I’m overreacting in my nervousness, he’s just been such a healthy guy until this medicine was given and I’m reading not so good things about it.


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Is he able to get close to the heat fixture?

I am not familiar with the med that your vet put him on for coccidia. I had a different med when one I had was sick with coccidia. Coccidia is a beast to clean for and contagious to other reptiles. It can live for years on surfaces. Takes multiple fecals to know the cham is clear as well. Coccidia and meds can cause reduced eating. Did they say what the parasite load was?
He is not able to get close to the heat fixture it’s approx 9 in off the top of the enclosure.
Yes I’ve read coccidia is terrible and contagious. Several deep cleaning have occurred during and after treatment and some plants replaced. He is due for a recheck fecal this week. When I get one, it’s going. I’ve used bleach and water and Chlorhexidine gluconate. (Never together or same time) always drying out thoroughly.
She did not tell me the parasite load, all she said was mild case but I will either call or ask when I get the sample and drop it.
I also forgot he has been outside everyday since coming home in April and we live in Ny so there’s been a big temp change.
Light set up and dripper
What wattage bulb are you using? What is the temp right on the screen... Reason why I am asking is that the shed should not have color to it. Maybe it is just the pic but the shed looks to have a color.

With the coccidia... You want multiple clean fecals tested months apart to know for sure that it is 100% gone. The parasite sheds in cycles so there is a chance that you get a clean fecal but the cham is still infected. It is a hard one and I am sorry that you are having to deal with it.
I thought it was the 75w but it’s a 60w, just confirmed.
The shed spot is soft sort of like a blister but translucent. You can see his color underneath it.
I will definitely get the sample to the vet when I get one and make sure we repeat process. She did explain about the medication breaking the cycle not killing it so I figured it wouldn’t be just one recheck.
Thanks so much, the only way I can think he got it is from catching food when outside time. I didn’t even know he had any issues at all, it just came back in the fecal sample. He was growing, eating, looked great, shedding good and boom he’s got this and now I feel so bad. But I’m hoping I can continue to do right and get him through these.
What wattage bulb are you using? What is the temp right on the screen... Reason why I am asking is that the shed should not have color to it. Maybe it is just the pic but the shed looks to have a color.

With the coccidia... You want multiple clean fecals tested months apart to know for sure that it is 100% gone. The parasite sheds in cycles so there is a chance that you get a clean fecal but the cham is still infected. It is a hard one and I am sorry that you are having to deal with it.
@Beman -it did turn out to be a burn,😢 after reviewing the bulb, and last few days prior adjusting things since the weather change happen, his gauge was not in the right spot giving accurate reading. Adjustment has been made properly now.
Thank you, again you made us take a second look around everything and figured it out.
@Beman -it did turn out to be a burn,😢 after reviewing the bulb, and last few days prior adjusting things since the weather change happen, his gauge was not in the right spot giving accurate reading. Adjustment has been made properly now.
Thank you, again you made us take a second look around everything and figured it out.
Poor little dude. I was hoping I was wrong. Are you able to get the silver cream from the vet to put on it? You can put plain neosporin without pain med additives on it in the mean time.
I do have plain neosporain until we get to the vet. I will keep it on, one of the blisters popped and is turning black so we want to prevent infection.
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