she is dieing

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Andrew, I am sorry for your chameleon, but not for you. You have let that poor little chameleon die a slow death for weeks now. We did EVERYTHING we could to help you. You came here for help, but then never followed our advice. I do not understand this. As Kinyonga stated, PLEASE do not buy another one. And I highly doubt if she looked like that yesterday, that she ate 9 crickets. I am not sure what your story is, but I know an innocent, beautiful animal has died from neglect and I find that very, very sad.:mad::(
Andrew maybe this will give you a good lesson about life, responsibility and not being so lazy so that you wont save your pets life. That poor little baby didnt have much of a chance to live because you never took the time to learn how to care for it. Please dont even get a anole. It is a bad idea. Wait till you are older and smarter before you take another life into you care.
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