Senegal Chameleons


New Member
Well i've just added senegals to my list of chameleons. I'm finding them rather interesting and considering breeding them in the future. Of course they are w/c so i need to deal with that issue first. My main concern is that i've been doing quite a bit of research on these guys and i'm getting quite an extreme temperature difference. I've read everything from basking temps of 85 95 and nightime temps no lower than 75. With them being w/c i need to get this right and quickly. I also realize they are from the rainforests and as such will require higher humidity levels. I've read up to 100. This can't be right! But it is the only info i've found on humidity. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Also got another Melleri. I'm sooo excited!!!
I've kept quite a few Senegals over the years and I keep them a lot like panthers. They need to be well watered but the humidity doesn't need to be any higher than for veileds...nor do the temperatures.
I keep mine alot like mini veileds with a basking spot of 80-90 degrees. They bask most of the day. They dont need high humidity. around 50% is fine. I mist/ abouttwice a day and it seems perfect. I do bring them outdoors about 2-4 times and if it rains I leave them outside. I feed everyother day. They love crickets and superworms. They didnt like silks. Reptaid does alot to improve these guys health when working with WC animals.
We've had a few ourselves and it seemed to me that their preferred temperature range varied according to where they were collected. Unfortunately there is no way to prove this, but I've had individuals that needed to be under a 100W basking light and others that were perfectly happy staying 5-10 degrees cooler. They're sun and UV hungry too so make sure those bulbs are up to snuff or they'll be continually roaming around looking for it. Ours thrived when they were misted more than less. Our usual schedule is 3 ten minute mistings per day.

They're a wonderful species and can't wait to have the space to begin working on that project again. Full of personality! :)

Luis and kinyonga are both correct i puchased 4 wc that were very young a few months back . They were about 5inches nose to tail when i got them and now they have more then doubled their size in two months.I didn't treat them at all for parasites because i thought it may do more harm then good. I keep them exactly like veilds and they are thriving . Don't be alarmed if they don't eat much at first just let them go they should come around if they havn't all ready . Goodluck
I agree, keep them like veileds and pay attention to their water needs.
They are BIG drinkers!
Good luck with breeding ... not much success there.
I would love to work with these guys again in the future (little jealous) but have my hands full right now!;)

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