Scaredy cat


New Member
So I've had my chameleon (flash) I know I stole someone else's Cham name and I apologize he's red and I'm a comic nerd so it fit :) he's a little over 4 months

But I swear he's becoming more afraid of me! After about a week he started hand feeding but now whenever I'm coming into the room he's running and hiding for cover!! I've only handled him twice besides putting him in his cage for the first time and even then those only lasted about 1-2 minutes max.

Once he was on my hand for a few seconds he seemed to calm down. So my question is should I just try to entirely stop bothering him? Like not even hand feed him or should I just keep up with the hand feeding and hope he gets a little more comfortable with me in the room?

I'm just trying to make him as comfortable as possible and it's at the point this week where when I come into spray down his cage he's getting spooked and I'm feeling bad about freaking him out!

Thanks for any help and/or info it's greatly appreciated!
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