

New Member
Just curious what kind of "play sand" you all use(d) for laying? Trying to make a laying bin for my female.
Just the kind you buy from Walmart or Home Depot like you'd use in a child's sandbox. I wash the sand (run water through it) before I use it. You might be interested in my blog for egg laying/the laying bin. I'll attach it below.

I've read it a few times, it's been helpful. I didn't not know chams could lay w/o being around a male until I started poking around on this site, and now I'm glad I did!
I use the sand produced by Kings that has a white bag with red, blue and yellow sand toys on the front of it. My females have ingested it and it always comes out the other end without causing impactions. It also hasn't caused any eye issues like some of them can.
Ahh, Kinyonga, I'm soooo glad you just posted that, saves me starting a new thread and stops me worrying again. My female veiled is eating the sand from her laying box and keeps doing big sandy poo bombs. Doesn't seem to bother her or her appetite but I was wondering whether it was normal or if I needed to remove the sand.... Your post makes me feel much better - thanks :D
Its a "catch 22" situation...if you remove the sand where is she going to dig to show you that she has to lay eggs....and that would leave you having to look for the subtle signs that the female is ready. If you leave the sand in there then they might/will/could eat it...and depending on what you put in the container it could lead to an impaction. Like I said, the Kings sand that I have used for years has never caused an impaction....and I used to take every single chameleon that died in for a I know that for sure.
Another ?

How do you know if they have eggs/ are ready to lay? I know obvious signs are when they're on the bottom of their cages or when they stop eating but I was wondering if there's any other ways to tell?
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