Roaming Roaches!


Established Member
Just wondering, is it better to let my red runner and dubia roaches roam free in the vivarium or keep them in a pot like the crickets?

I've noticed my juv cam opens his mouth around 85°F or 30°C. I'm aware its a cooling off sign. I feel sorry for him and turn off the heat. It then drops to 70°F or 22°C. Is this too cool?

Any thoughts on the above would be greatly appreciated folks.

Many thanks
I would just keep the roaches in a bin or feeder cup. I wouldn't really like the idea of my roaches going to the bottom and my chameleon having to search to find them. As for your lights, I am having a similar issue. I am thinking about buying a herpstat to help with this issue. What wattage bulb are you using and how far do you have it from the cage (if elevated)?
The chameleon shooting gallery works pretty well for roaches. Although, dubia tend to stay put near the top of them IME so my cham doesn't really eat a ton of them.

I'm sure red runners would work very well with it
What do you mean by hazards? You've got me worried. The vivarium was supplied by well versed pet shop owner.
What do you mean by hazards? You've got me worried. The vivarium was supplied by well versed pet shop owner.
If you have a heat mat inside the enclosure, it’s going to get wet. Although pretty well sealed, I would still be concerned about a tiny nick in the cord or mat that could spark. Risk of burns too if your cham sits on it. If your pet shop owner suggested a heat mat for a chameleon, they can’t be that well versed in their care. They aren’t used or needed for chams. They get all the heat they need from their basking light.
Sorry, but I didn't explain it properly. The heat mat is not in the enclosure, its behind my polystyrene background. I thinks its only around 10w. It cannot get wet.
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