Roach Breeding Tip

If you dont want to pay for the buckets, go to any mid to low-end restaurant or cafeteria and ask for their old food buckets. Mayo, fruit salad, muffin mix, etc all come in big white buckets. I got a dozen from the college cafeteria just the other day.
Babies don't breed......

A heat pad on the side of the bucket or a suspended ceramic heater would be a good idea for adults.... which do breed;).

I know babies don't breed. That isn't what I was referring to. I was asking whether they need to be kept warm.

But thanks, I will try the ceramic heater. :)
Has anyone else tried this and found it to be successful?

1 thing I would like to question is where are the 3x5 cutouts with mesh on them? From what I have read dubias like darkness.

I also read in some other post that someone on these forums sell dubias for great deals and would like to get some and try this out(I can't find the post I read this on, I believe the person's name is kevin).

I'm glad I ran across this...seems an easy way to keep these nasty things :p
I tried it, works great in the summer time. The only issue I ran into was a heat source. I just use a big plastic tote and sort by hand now.
I had to go out and buy some buckets, so I could show you guys how to do this.
All of you owe me 5 dollars!:p
I didnt want to disturb my colony by banging them all up.
Thats the point of the bucket method.

Here are some of the supplies I used.
The only thing missing is a round file.
I use the file to smooth out the holes and cut edges.

Make sure you file both edges of the holes.
This makes it easier for the babies to fall.

These are self-tapping 1/4" hex head screws.
3/4" long.

Top buckets is help up by the screws.

3x5 hole cut for screen to allow for airflow.

Toss in your eggcrates,food, and a couple dozen breeders.

Latch you lid on and slide the top bucket into the bottom bucket.
Let the roaches do the rest.:)
I see this is an old posting but i am thinking of breeding green banana roaches and the guied is to place moist peat into the bottom of the container as the young burrow do you know if i can not use peat if i use your method
Many Thanks
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