Rhampholeon kerstenii Babies

congrats!!!they are really nice.
I have four good eggs in my chamaeleon "oven" layed about two weeks ago... so i´m hoping for the best...
do you know the lokalety of your animals?
Wow, that is great! :D I had a pair of WC kerstenii and really enjoyed them while I had them.
Another name for them is the Kenyan Pygmy Chameleon. I personally can not confirm that where they truly come from. I can only go by the guy that imported them. I beleive that there is small population found in Tanzania.I do know that they were exported from Tanzania. Other than this info I have no specifics.
After all Tanzania is right next to Kenya. This particular speciesis usually found near drier plains thatare hotter and drier that where most other pygmy's are from. I only know what I read on them though as there is very little info on them. I usually reference stump tail chameleons-dragons of the rainforest.
R.kerstenii kerstenii occurs along the cost from northeast Tanzania to Kenya, they are found in the inner regions (most dry regions) of Kenya and Tanzania too. The subspecies R.k.robecchii appears in Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia, but as far as I know they were never kept in captivity.
The nominat form was kept more or less often in captivity some years ago but the last 2-3 years the imports of them became rarer and rarer - but I don't know why.
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