Repti-worms Alergies?


New Member
Hi, just wanted to ask you guys if you have had any experiences similar to mine.

Ok, I wake up at 7 every morning and do the regular turn on dripper, mist enclosure, and feed Hugh. I have been using Butterworms and Repti-worms and lately everytime I handle the Repti-worms my hands start itching like CRAZY, especially the area's where the worm was in direct contact with my skin. Wierd I know... Do Repti-worms have some sort of defense mechanism that causes irritation or am I just allergic to them? Hugh loves them so not going to stop using them because of me. :p

I've never had a problem handling them and I'm really prone to allergic reactions. Perhaps it's not the worms but the packing material? Would it be worth the time to put on a pair of gloves and move the whole lot of them into a cup of rolled oats or something?
Well, they are maggots, and many people are prone to insect allergies. It's possible.
I have not had any either but on a side note I did have a few that turned black and I gave them to the crickets to eat ... well they ended up turning into flys but I thought they were wasps that got into my cricket carrier. I found out later that they did not sting or bite and ended up letting them in my little girls cage. SHE LOVED THEM ... wonder if any one sells the flys lol.
wonder if any one sells the flys lol.

No one sells the flies as their only purpose is to mate and they live a very short time. They have no mouth to eat so gut loading is impossible. They are fun feeders as flies but worthless as a nutritious feeder.

I have not had a cham yet that would eat more than one "maggot". What I find funny is the marketing on these maggots.

They are called calci-worms , repti-worms yadda yadda. The fact is they are maggots and taste like $@&% . Thats why many chams will not eat them. A new name for them comes out as soon as everyone realizes they are worthless. (In most cases)
Hm, at first I thought maybe one of my brother-in-laws cat's fleas bit my finger and is the reason for the itching. But I noticed the itching right after handling the worms. The itching is pretty intense but not something that spreads everywhere. I think me handling them with tongs would be a better idea...

As far as the Fly thing goes, interesting. :) Some of the worms have started turning dark and have stopped moving. I thought they were dead but I guess they will start developing into flies soon. Hugh eats about 10 of them a day along with a small Butterworm or 2 but i'm going to try Blue Bottle Flies next.:) Thanks guys, just wanted to see if anyone else had this experience. :D
Blue Bottle flies are awesome and they can be gutloaded.

I found them pretty cheap online like 150 for only 7 or 8 dollars shipped. I may be mistaking but i'll clarify that once i'm ready to order. My 3 and 3 week old Panther will be able to take those down right? He should be 4 months by the time I actually order them, I need to finish up these Reptiworms. Hoping on picking up some Crickets also.:)
I don't have experience with the repti-worms yet, but I have been reading up on them getting ready to try breeding them next summer.

Just wanted to point out that although reptiworms are technically maggots, they consume most any organic matter (from what I have read gardeners use them for making compost out of leaves and kitchen scraps, etc, faster than about any other method including earthworms), so they are quite possible to gutload very nutritionally before feeding to your chameleon like other feeder insects. Youtube has some entertaining videos of them eating hamburgers and fish within hours...

Also the company marketing them as phoenix worms feeds them a high quality feed (probably similar to gutload or poultry or dog or fish chow with other stuff or something), not animal poop, etc.

Also, the reason they are marketed under different names is because phoenix worms introduced them to the market and then trademarked the name so others cannot use it. And I suspect they are marketed as repti-worms and phoenix worms because it sort of hides the fact they are just soldier fly larvae which are relatively easy to mass produce (check youtube- you can get zillions out of a 5 gallon bucket farm) and inexpensive (practically free?) to make yourself. Phoenix worms introduced them and still appears to be doing fine as they are still around after at least a few years in business- the names aren't changing because people don't want them.

Like I said though- have no idea how chameleons like them because I've never used them yet myself...

Chickens sure like them though! (link to funny/cute video)
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