Quick Misting System Questions...


New Member
Well, after a couple months of hand spraying...I've decided to go ahead and try a misting system. My panther is in a 16x16x30 now but will be moving to the 24x24x48 in a few months. I'm going with Mist King of course, but I have a couple questions before I buy:

1.) Will the $100 starter kit be fine...or will I just wish I had got the advanced or ultimate setup?

2.) From your experience, will one nozzle be sufficient or would 2/3 be better?

3.) What happens at night? Does it still mist at the set intervals at night or is there a setting that keeps it from coming on? Or do you just unplug it?

Thanks so much in advance!
Well, after a couple months of hand spraying...I've decided to go ahead and try a misting system. My panther is in a 16x16x30 now but will be moving to the 24x24x48 in a few months. I'm going with Mist King of course, but I have a couple questions before I buy:

1.) Will the $100 starter kit be fine...or will I just wish I had got the advanced or ultimate setup?

2.) From your experience, will one nozzle be sufficient or would 2/3 be better?

3.) What happens at night? Does it still mist at the set intervals at night or is there a setting that keeps it from coming on? Or do you just unplug it?

Thanks so much in advance!

1/ The $100 Starter Kit is ideal for the setup you are proposing. (It will handle up to 15 nozzles.) I believe the benefit of the advanced system is the anti-drip technology with the nozzle's, which isn't really a concern with a cham.

2/ I have similar size cages to your larger setup, and currently use 1 nozzle each with good success.

3/ You need to also buy a programable timer to go with the MistKing. He sells timers directly or you can pick one up at most hardware stores or store that caters to reptiles. Mine go off for 3-4 minutes 3 times a day.
Thank you very much! That was extremely helpful. I have a timer running all my lighting...I suppose the mister will take a seperate one though, I hadn't thought of that.

and its better you have a separate timer and this timer its better if is a second timer mist king have all the stuff for that same price of the store .better you pic at mistking site good service and marty is a good guy:D
Thanks guys, I just ordered the starter set-up along with the seconds timer...so in a few days time I should be good to go =) I suppose I should go ahead get a new bucket in advance to make the reservoir.
dude you just made one of the best decisions!! I worship the mistking!!! hahaha saves me a lot of time. I dont have to stand in front of my cage 3 times a day hand spraying all of my chams.
1.) Will the $100 starter kit be fine...or will I just wish I had got the advanced or ultimate setup?
The starter kit is just that, a starter system.
It doesn't come with all the bells and whistles.
The advantage of the ultimate system is when you have multiple cages it provides more in the kit then buying them separately.
2.) From your experience, will one nozzle be sufficient or would 2/3 be better?
1 is tons. I'm running 1 in each of my cages and they get soaked extremely well
3.) What happens at night? Does it still mist at the set intervals at night or is there a setting that keeps it from coming on? Or do you just unplug it?

Thanks so much in advance!
it's all depending on your timer.
If you plug in your mist system, it's always on. You NEED a timer, or it's next to identical to hand misting.
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