

New Member
I'm thinking about using pothos plants for both of my enclosures. The thing is is that I don't know how to hang them since they are a vine. How do I do this?

Thanks :)
You can use fishing line to hang them onto the screen. :) Just feed it through one of the little holes on the screen, loop it over the vine, feed into another hole, then tie it off on the outside of the cage.
u can also leave it at the bottom and the vines will go up and all over.

Yeah, that is how I have them. I have them on the bottom of the cage and just tied the vines all over the cage. It looks pretty cool and Darla LOVES it!
We have one in our crested geckos cage. What I did was where the hook is on the top of the plant, I cut that off, but left the spokes attached. Then I took green twist ties that I got in the nursery department at Lowes and attached it to the top of my cage (twisted part on the outside). It hangs perfectly and my gecko LOVES it! The whole fishing wire thing worries me because I feel like it can be some what sharp. I dunno, part of me feels that if the chameleon slid down the wire on accident it may damage it's feet.
We have one in our crested geckos cage. What I did was where the hook is on the top of the plant, I cut that off, but left the spokes attached. Then I took green twist ties that I got in the nursery department at Lowes and attached it to the top of my cage (twisted part on the outside). It hangs perfectly and my gecko LOVES it! The whole fishing wire thing worries me because I feel like it can be some what sharp. I dunno, part of me feels that if the chameleon slid down the wire on accident it may damage it's feet.

I didn't mean to hang the plant from the fish line. I meant tie the vines down onto the screen with it. It would not be in the way or visible... I guess to sort of pin the vines down with it while the plant is toward the bottom. :)
I used some green zip ties to attach to the screen to get them started. Now they are starting to wrap around the branches and vines I have.
I used a wooden 1x2 laid across the top with a screw eye running up through the screen top. Then hung the pothos in a hanging planter.
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