pothos cuttings.

On this picture (of my cutting growing) I've put the line where I sort of cut the original:


Nothing to it really, just bang it in water for a while and then into soil/compost!

wow! How long did it take to grow that much after cutting?
I just went to lowes and got cuttings from a ficus, pothos, and scheflera. The ficus and pothos came off with a small root when I pulled them out but I just stuck them all in water.

Something like this??

Yeah, something like that should work fine! Just give it some light and you should start to see roots growing!

The one in the picture has taken around 3 months and was mainly done as an experiment. It came from a failing side of a much larger plant (which I swear has grown 6 feet since I got it a year ago! It is unreal!!) but is doing pretty well so far! Don't really have anywhere for it to go at the moment so it's just gonna stay in its pot for now! :D
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