Poll on Veiled Site

You know i love the site, I have mentioned it a couple of times before.

Can I make a suggestion on what I feel a good subject title would be?
A FAQ section!
Now, what I mean by this is, not the obvious questions that are linked to general husbandry ie enclosures, lighting etc, more like the plethora of questions we ask I'll try to give you some examples, but i'm at work at the moment and really should get back to it! :rolleyes:
I guess what would be a good starter, would be to search the Threads and see what the most common questions we ask that don't fall into the categories you have already covered (very well I must add).
maybe we could all make some suggestions!
Back to work now...

Oh and BTW, I haven't been logged on for a couple of days, what's doing you've jumped to the ranks of moderator......congrats mate, well deserved!
A quick suggestion from me, I'm just starting in the world of chameleons and it would be ideal if there was a quick print out friendly list that I could print out to start checking of bits and reading etc
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