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Amazing. You come here and ask for help and this is how you act. I really feel bad for your critter. It is clearly in need. Your ego is clearly problematic. Simple fact- you are ignorant. That in itself is ok. Coupled with arrogance, it is dangerous for your Chameleon! You asked for help. We did not come to you. Youre what we in the Army call a TURD. Trainee Under Rigorous Development. Come back when you have matured and we will still be here,waiting to help.
All of you are just some petty ass fuck heads who think they know shit, fuck you, I curse your children, childers children, and your children's children's children
Come on kid, you think that kind of reaction is ok? If you aren’t mature enough to act like a human on this forum, then you should not be caring for an animal, let alone one as difficult and humbling as a chameleon. Please adopt it to someone who knows how to take advice and care for it.
Your chameleon's casque has a nasty burn. It's worse than it looks.

From the resource section:
Thermal burns usually occur when a chameleon is too close to their basking light or the enclosure is simply too hot at the basking level. The skin doesn't have to actually touch the bulb to be burned. It is theorized that pain receptors in chameleons are far down in the skin layer so they don’t necessarily know they are getting burned until it is too late. Always verify that your basking area has the appropriate temperature for your chameleon. Thermal burns start off as white patches or blisters, and as they progress their color will turn black. The burned area may slough off. Common locations for burns include the top of the casque, spine and knees. With proper care and a change in husbandry burns can heal if carefully treated. Sometimes a yellow, waxy discharge will come out from under the burned skin. Burns should be treated by a reptile veterinarian immediately upon discovery. Secondary bacterial and fungal infections can occur if left unchecked.
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