I just posted a picture of Hermie (under "jam" in the members gallery) my chameleon who was first diagnosed with MBD about 6 months ago and broke all four legs. The quality of the picture isn't very good, but none-the-less. He is doing great now and pretty much living a normal chameleon life. He perfers not to be handled so the only time he gets taken out is when i give his cage a good cleaning every week and a half or so (like when the picture was taken and he's jetting around in my living room) or when he gets his low dose of liquid calcium every other day (but he seems to know that he wont be touched if he'll just open his mouth and let me pop it in). He climbs around his cage, hunts his own food and everything. The vet that splinted his legs thinks that he'd make a good case study at our local veterinary school since we have a series of x-rays documenting his diagnosis and recovery.