Photos of my other babies : D


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Haha gotta love live bearing community fish. Im actually having alot of fun raising them so far. I have various platys, mollies, and two female pineapple swordtails. I believe one of the swordtails I bought was pregnant. I didn't want males because they get almost 5", but it looks like I'll end up having some after all. The rest of the babys appear to be gold dust mollys, Lyretail creamsicle mollys, silver mollys, and blue platys. The plants are growing nice and I enjoy watching them dig around in the grass. I spoil them, and they eat pretty much whatever my discus eat. That includes beefheart, brine shrimp, bloodworms, and their high protein tropical fish flakes. The planted tank is a 28 gallon bowfront, and a 55 is for the 6 discus. There are also 6 neon tetras in the discus tank. I have two turqoise blues, two red scribbled, and two fire reds. The red scribbled, and the fire reds are still young, so they arent showing a whole lot of color at all yet. I primarily took pictures of the turqs. Any other discus keepers out there?


I normally have a floating plant in with the babys, but I took it out for photo purposes


Oh that just took me back about 30 years! In my young teens I was breeding Fancy Guppy's and Mollies! I remember saving birthday money to buy the floating baby holder like you have! From there I went to the bubble nesters! Gourami's mostly! Now that is wild! My stepdad used to breed Discus-they are still among my favorites!
Great pix!! I just broke down my last fish tank. I used to keep several ( a 10, 20, 30 and a 60) Maybe when they fit back into my life I will set them up again,
I must say... you have a live bearing tank with no balloon molly's in it!!?!?? hahahaha
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