Panther Chameleon Feeding Amount


New Member
Hi All! I am a new member to the forum and a new owner of a panther chameleon - the estimate he's around 6 months or so. I have experience with veiled chameleons. The store has him on small crickets right now, how many should a 6 month old be offered/eat every day? Is there a resources that shows their feeding amount/schedule as they get older? I know my veiled would eat 3-4 worms daily (depending on what kind) and we fed him crickets as a treat. And as much greens as he would/could eat. Thanks all! I appreciate the help/advice.
What kind of worms? Silks are great with butters and horns being solid as well. Well- gut loaded and dusted crickets and roaches are the go-to as staples it seems though. Feed him what he will eat early in the dat.
Great information all - I truly do appreciate it. Our veiled didn't like crickets much - wouldn't hunt - that's why we didn't feed him crickets more often. Had to force them on him. This lil guy LOVES crickets - which is great. He just gobbled up 6 like it was nothing. But I don't want to over feed him, hence my question.

Thanks all! Been SUPER helpful.
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