Panther Chameleon Cage Size???? Is this OK?


Hello, I am new to this forum and ive found alot of interesting information. I've wanted to breed Panthers for 7 or 8 years, I am finally going to make that a reality. I cant wait!

One question i have for someone experianced is i have 24X24X48 caged inclosures. IS there any possible way i can divide this in to 2 areas for my male studs? the area would then be 12X24X48. I have researched tons on the forum and the footprint is a little smaller than most people recommend, but the hight is a foot more than most.

I think itll work great but need some other peoples thaughts.

Thanks and nice meetin u all!

I dont think it will work. For adult male I would use that 24x24x48 and for the female she will be in a 18x18x36. If I have more room in my house I wouldn't mind putting a female in a 24x24x48.
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