Panther Cage Temps


New Member
So I just recieved my Temp Gun from LLLreptile, for my little cham.

I'm assuming I point and shoot to get the temperature.
The upper area is around 83-85 F, when I point to the area under the basking I get 88-91 F, and the bottom of the cage is 73-76F

I could get you exact degrees..but that changes everytime i point.
Do these temperatures sound ok?
I'm newer at this but that sounds right to me. I've got my cages set up the same, with the basking area at 90 deg and the lower cage at 72 deg. I had the basking light backed away from the top of the cage to avoid burning the cham on the screen (he likes to climb on the top) but that only gave him a basking area of 80-85 deg. He wasn't doing well and was turning dark trying to take in more heat, also not very active. Then I moved the lamp up so he gets 90 deg basking and he seems much happier and more active.
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