Overjoyed Ambilobe!?!?

mirrors are the key

I was walking down the hallway and he loves to sit on my hat and then my phone rang. Not realizing what was happening I ended the call and looked in the mirror and he was HUGE!!! He also walked up on a floor to cieling mirror one day and started attacking it!! He was scratching and trying to bite it!!! So I had to cover the bottom of it up. Other than that cham never flares up.
I know one of the group will drop by, or made plans to meet someone with a girl at the next SBKC meeting.

Hey, that was me! I'm picking up a nice little girl for one of my boys on Tuesday. Can't wait to see what she does to his colors (my avitar)!

Malicious, that is a great looking chameleon! He looks very healthy and happy. What more do you want!?
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