outdoor enclosures


New Member
i am planning on building an enclosure i would use it outside for the summer and bring it it for the winter/bad weather for my male veiled

anyway i was wondering if some of you could post your enclosures and if you guys could give me any tips

i wanted to make a wooden frame treated to water proof it

what kind of screen do i use? is it window screen? i dont want his little nails to get caught or anything so i wasnt sure what kind of screen

what temp should be minimum to leave him outside for the night or should i just bring him in?

i plan on making it 2 ft by 2 ft by 4-5 ft

i bought a ficus to put in and i only have a 65 screen right now and it doesnt fit b/c it is probably 3 ft tall so i figured i would just build one

i plan on gettig the supplies and building it this weekend so any help or ideas are appreciated

thank you
my cham is still smallish and i would be afraid he would get through the poultry fencing i have only seen the kind with huge circle things(dont know what to call them) plus i dont really like the look of it

what is the pvc look like

is it like what the reptariums are made of?
what is that stuff called?can you buy it in a store?

what about hardware cloth it this ok?

i want it to be light weight so it is easier to move which is why i wanted some kind of screen but i suppose i could make it out of metal if i had too lol

anymore suggestions are greatly apreciated
anyone else?

also will the ficus fit ok in a 2 by 2 by 6 ft?(decided to change the hight)

the only larger size i can make it is 29in or it wont fit through my door

it will fit in the main door (to the outside) if it is 36-ish in. but it wont fit in my bedroom(where i will probably have to keep it) unless it is 29 in

maybe i could go 29in by 36in by 72 in?

what do you think?

also need to know about the screening

This is my cage:

I got a wire rack/stand from Target for 15$
I have about 40$ into the cage.
The wood isn't pressure treated and is several months old.
I had it inside and now it's outside.
All 6 sides are fine aluminum screen.
What I did was buy a bird cage, then wrap it with aluminum mesh/screen with very tiny holes not even the crickets can get out.
This is my cage:

I got a wire rack/stand from Target for 15$
I have about 40$ into the cage.
The wood isn't pressure treated and is several months old.
I had it inside and now it's outside.
All 6 sides are fine aluminum screen.

COOL! Does it have a roof or you dont mind the rain? So I know if its ok for mine when it rains.
thanks so much

yours looks great

anyone know about the other questions i asked?

fine aluminum screening is what i will get i just wasnt sure if that would hurt his little nails or not

i will post pics when it is built i am getting supplies today and it will probabl be finished tomorrow

also you did not treat the wood then?

i might not either then i can always replace it if it goes bad and it will not always be wet i guess

also i sawyou had a hose up to spray him i was thinking about that but wasnt sure if that was safe b/c of minerals and stuff in the water but i guess now that i think of it i dont really treat the water i use inside either

anyway thanks
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